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Protein Bars

Protein Bars
Protein bars are one of the tastiest diet food solutions you can find in the world of nutrition for fitness and sport in general.

These are usually foods that are made up of mixtures of macro and micronutrients that support all those aspects connected with sports performance and the results associated with it.

There are different types of these products, from those with a very low carbohydrate content, designed for periods of slimming diet, to balanced ones, which also contain adequate quantities of carbohydrates, to provide energy for performance.

Protein bars: Most common ingredients

Usually most of the replacement protein bars and snacks are made with protein from soy or milk , but there are also many other more qualitative products that are particularly rich in  whey protein and also in Bcaa and glutamine.

Obviously you will have to consider the use you want to make of it in order to choose the supplement, because this is it, ad-hoc for your needs.

For example, if you are only interested in maintaining a positive nitrogen balance in general, then you can also opt for products made with different blended protein sources, such as soy isolate and whole milk derivatives such as casein or calcium caseinate.

If, on the other hand, you are more interested in maintaining muscles as part of a weight loss diet, you should opt for supports that contain faster-releasing protein sources , such as concentrated whey proteins .

However, it remains to be considered that this type of food support by its nature always contains sources of lipids, so in theory, since fats slow down digestion, it would be better not to use them in situations such as  post workout or breakfast , when the body needs to be fed in a very short time.

Of course, it is clear that, where you do not have the opportunity to eat different types of more suitable dishes (see for example a whey protein and vitargo shaker  ), a small bar will be desirable in order to avoid muscle catabolism.

Possible ingredients found in protein bars

In addition to carbohydrates, proteins and fats, other ingredients may be present in the bars, and therefore:

             vitamins and minerals , micronutrients that catalyze a myriad of metabolic reactions including those connected with the synthesis of energy and the processes of growth or maintenance of muscles;

             dietary fiber , especially present in low-carbohydrate protein bars, ideal for controlling appetite;

             creatine , glutamine and arginine , all ergogenic compounds that improve physical performance from different points of view, see energy, pumping and the immune system;

             medium chain fatty acids , to supply energy from easily oxidized lipids, in fact this type of fat does not require the intervention of  carnitine to be burned.

Effect of protein bars on weight loss diet stress

When it comes to dietary foods like these, we cannot fail to take into consideration another factor that goes beyond the simple nutritional profile, we are talking about the psychological effect on the diet.

If you are a body builder who has been training for years you will know very well that the diet, especially the low-glucose and low-calorie diet, can be really nerve-wracking in the long run, not so much for a matter of calories and quantity of food, but more than anything else related to the type of foods.

In fact, dishes such as natural rice and tuna, grilled chicken breasts, white bread with bresaola and so on, are anything but delicious, and after months of food restrictions, the desire to eat something good becomes pressing.

Here comes the emotional stress that gives rise to significant production of cortisol , a highly proteolytic hormone that destroys muscle tissues in excessive quantities.

So by taking a bar you can also satisfy the taste factor, effectively reducing the stress of the diet, but without providing junk nutrients. Let's summarize briefly about protein bars:

             they provide high quantities of noble proteins;

             they contain more or less high amounts of carbohydrates;

             they provide sources of fat for beta oxidation energy;

             they replace the classic snack;

             they are enriched with micronutrients and erogenous compounds;

             they can have a laxative effect due to polyols.